
Blog 5, free topic

  Hello classmates, I hope you are well, today, I will talk about my favorite hobby, four years ago I dedicated myself to hula hoop, I dedicate a lot of time and passion to it, hula for me has become my therapy, Many times when I feel sad or lonely, I play hula for a while, I put on music and everything becomes calmer, I also do a lot of exercise doing hula, it helps me to get out of college and sometimes to forget the problems, also sometimes I am very happy, and the hula increases happiness. Another thing that I also like and that gives me peace is teaching hula, I feel that it creates a very pleasant environment. Many times I feel unmotivated and I stop doing hula, which doesn't seem like a bad thing to me, I just don't feel like doing anything and I just want to stay lying on my bed, which seems good to me because I am usually a person who demands too much productivity, and sometimes that becomes a very toxic practice, so sometimes you have to take a break and not be so sel


  Hello classmates, I hope you are doing very well, in this case I am going to talk about the advice I would give to students who started university. The first thing I would tell you is that your priority is not the university, there are many more things to explore and to do at our age, we have to take advantage of our youth and not to pay all of our attention to the university. University should be a complement, not our whole life. I would also advise them to organize their time well, and to attend all of the classes so that afterwards all the material does not accumulate. I would also advise them to try to get to know their classmates, I feel that making friends is a very important motivation to be comfortable with the university career. Everything is better when you have a good atmosphere in your environment. Making friends will also help you as much on the academic as well as sentimental., it is always good to have someone who listens to us and understands us, in this way the unive

Is religion important to me?

  Hello classmates, I hope you are very well. Religion has never been a very important topic in my life, however I have always been in Catholic schools, I believe that for the same reason I am not interested in religion and I disagree with many behaviors that are carried out in certain religions, however I respect the beliefs of each person, everyone is free to believe in what they like and we all deserve respect. In addition it has always seemed unfair to me that in schools you are forced to believe in a religion when you are a minor, I feel that when you are younger you do not have the ability to decide well what religion you would like to belong to, for example, I made the first communion when I was nine years old, I had no idea what it was about, they still made me do it, and now that I'm 21 I'm not interested in religion. However I do not close myself to the possibility that one day I like some religion, since I do not know them all, I would find it very interesting to ge

Healthcare system

In this second topic, I chose the question "Do you think the government is doing all it can to prevent disease?".   I think that the government is not doing everything it can to prevent disease, because we are under a capitalist system which always prioritizes money and the economy, diseases would disappear if the government cared about free and quality health care for all citizens of the country, in this way people could attend hospitals or clinics without having to have money, so the diseases would decrease. Diseases most of the time increase because many people cannot access quality health, or remedies that are often quite expensive, or many times public health centers are collapsed, that is why having access to health of quality is a privilege. This is why I feel that the government could do much more with all the money it has, we all have the right to access good health, just as we have the right to have access to all kinds of medicines without the need to go into debt f


Hi classmates! I chose the question Why do you think voting is important? , and this is my opinión. I think voting is important because it reflects the preferences and concerns of the citizens. The discontent that exists by government can be made known, it is also important to constantly change the president and the governors, and participe as a citizen. I also feel that it is a good way to make us listen and be able to generate new laws and in this way change the country, such as the abortion law, I think it is very necessary to vote for a president who is in favor of abortion, or that be in favor of a free and quality education, and many other important things to make this country a more equal country.  So in this way the system could change and give the opportunity to other people to govern. However I feel that it should not be mandatory, because we live in "democracy" and everyone has their thoughts regarding the vote, which must be respected, because all people are free


  Today im going to talk about my favorite subject. My favorite university subject was geology, it is about the study of the composition and different processes that occur on planet earth. I enjoy it because it makes me interesting to think how many years the earth is, and the infinity of processes that occur at the same time. I have learned that one of the most important things for the change of processes are the rocks, there are many rocks that condition the soils that we crush and condition the vegetation. Another thing that interested me a lot was the volcanoes, and the formation of quartz under the earth It is incredible to think that something so beautiful is capable of being formed by natural processes, I love nature, and that we cannot perceive with the naked eye. I always thought it was something very interesting, in fact, with my friends in the summer of 2020 we had the opportunity to travel to the north of Chile and learn a lot about geology, it was there when I was quite


  When i decided what major i wanted to study  I always had in mind to give back to nature for all that it has given me. My career can affect the world in many positive ways, because one of the focuses of the career is sustainability, the protection of nature, the connection with nature and the love for nature, protect it and defend it. In this process I see myself as an apprentice, an apprentice of nature, of the world, of animals, of the earth, of plants and I see myself wiser every day, I have learned a lot and I am excited to continue learning.  My career has many benefits to the world, such as sustainability, and what I mentioned above, protecting nature is something,   fundamental to improve this planet, knowing the soils, animals, plants, flowers,   , knowing the processes of nature, everything. that is beneficial for the planet and helps to improve it.