My bibliography

 I am Isidora Pérez, i am 20 years old, my birthday is 30 june,  actually, i am currently at home with my nine cats and my dog Pirata. In 2019 i stared to study Pedagogy but i realized that what i really like is nature. 

My favorite food is sushi, and chinese food. My hobbies are playing hula hoop and listen music. I'm single and i like to watch movies and series. My favorite serie is mirai nikki and game of thrones. When i have free time i like to go out with my friends, eat, playing hula hoop and watch movies. 

My family is small, i live with my mon and my animals,  my sister Catalina left home recently and my dad lives with my grandfather. 

Thanks for read my bibliography. 


  1. Game of Thrones was very good but the ending... well, I'm not into it hahaha, i really like your dog's name!

  2. I love Chinese food and sushi, we can go out to eat one day!


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